Saturday, April 28, 2007


ahhh...I've been meaning to blog for a while but I'm so busy at the NGO!
Here are a few pics of my home in Hyderabad...
Hyderabad or "Cyberabad" is one of the major IT hubs and so is a lot richer then a lot of the other cities Janice and I visited. There are nice roads, parks, a garbage system, police etc. The poplulation is 10 million so of course it is still crazy busy! Though I actually live in Secunderabad (kind of like Halifax and Dartmouth) which is a bit calmer (a relative term). MVF is just a 20 minute walk away. I live in quite a rich area (called a colony-eee) and everyone has guards and dogs etc. And it's really funny, there are a group of women that all exercise together..and they all wear their sarees and sneakers! haha.

View from the roof

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