While I told you Amma's ashram had a full schedule, this ashram was a lot more structured and everything was mandatory. We had two satsangs (meditation, chanting, talk) at 6am/8pm, two 2 hour yoga classes, lecture and karma yoga ("selfless service"). Also, we were not allowed out of the ashram except during a two hour free time. And only "pure" music and literature. The ashram is in the rural jungle area among the Sahyadri Hills and right beside a lake...so gorgous!
In lecture we learned about yogic philosophy: a balanced lifestyle, control of the mind, importance of the different yogas, ayurvedic medicine and diet. Though while I agreed with a lot of the lectures, the temple chanting and lectures turned strictly Hindu. And I swear I am the worst meditator ever! At the beginning of the satsangs we had group meditation for 30 minutes and just as we are supposed to relax and empty our minds, mine fills with every thought and feeling!! And this mentally challenged cat sometimes came into the temple yowling and I would just laugh... Though I loved the chanting and music and sang along with my own little book. But again, I couldn't really relate to what I was singing. Here is an example, in Sanskrit/English:
Om Namah Shivaya Gurave
Sat-Chid-Ananda Murtaye
Nishprapanchaya Shantaya
Sri Sivanandaya Te Namaha
Sri Vishnu Devanandaya Te Namah
Salutations to Guru Siva who is the
embodiment of Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute,
in whom worldliness does not sist who is ever peaceful
Salutations to Sivanada
Overall, the ashram was peaceful and we met a lot of really great people. And I learned a lot from the yoga classes! The cool yoga teacher had a crush on Janice..hehe. This is how he talks "inhallllle complllletelyyyy....exhalllle complllletelyyyy, noww straaaatch.

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