Trucks are always named after someone, and always really colourfully painted. Hinduism is definitley part of everyday life, as there are shrines in every store, office, restaurant, bus etc. And people buy flowers for their hair and also drape them over the shrines along with incense and candles. Inside the buses there are always various posters of different gods/dieties. Jesus is sometimes stuck in there as well, alongside Shiva and Ganesh. :) While Hindus worship various gods, there is still an overarching God as well, so maybe that is why they put Jesus in there (hmm..that still doesn't make sense :)).
These other pics are from Jewtown, which is one of the oldest Jewish settlements in India and has a lot of art shops and a spice market.
The last pic was the first caste related sign. To my unknowing eye, I haven't seen any other obvious caste division.
We are easily asked where we're from 10-20x/day. Usually by people we're talking to, but sometimes people ask across the street/restaurant/field or as people drive by! Here are some of the responses we're gotten when we say we're Canadian:
"ahh, so you're American, we hate Bush!!"
"is that near Argentina?"
"how do you like our beautiful country?"
"how do you like our beautiful women?"
"can you get me a visa?"
"do you speak Hindi there?"
"ahhhh..the land of the maple"

Hi Sarah,
I am so enjoying your comments of your travels and the colourful pics.
I'm so inspired that I bid for a Delhi flight for March when I return to work.
Keep the commentary coming!
Hi Sarah,
I'm living vacariously through you! what an amzing trip you are having in India. The ornate trucks remind me of my travels in Central America. Buses were so adorned with religious icons and colorful bits of cloth and paper that the driver could hardly see out the windshield! Add to that a constant blaring bull horn, a screeching radio and five times more people as passengers that should be allowd on the bus, and you have an adventure!
You don't mention dying of disentry or malaria, although you seem to be eating at a lot of street vendors! Hope you're being sensible.
Love B
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